Chainsaw Man is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the manga series of the same name created by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The series follows the story of Denji, a young man who merges with his pet devil Pochita to become a Chainsaw Devil Hunter.

What Chainsaw Man is all About?

Denji is a young man who becomes a Devil Hunter after merging with his pet devil, Pochita. He gains the ability to transform his arms into chainsaws and becomes known as Chainsaw Man. Denji is a complex character who struggles with his own humanity and his newfound power.


Makima is a high-ranking official in the Public Safety Devil Hunters organization and is one of the main antagonists of the series. She is a skilled manipulator who is able to control people and devils with her abilities. Makima has a mysterious past and her true motives are unclear.


Aki is a fellow Devil Hunter who becomes Denji's partner. He is a serious and stoic character who is haunted by his past experiences with devils. Aki has the ability to summon and control his own devil, which takes the form of a cursed dog.

Aki Hayakawa

Power is a devil who initially appears as an enemy but eventually becomes an ally to Denji. She has the ability to manipulate blood and uses it to create weapons and fight her enemies. Power is a quirky and unpredictable character who often gets into arguments with Denji.


Kishibe is a veteran Devil Hunter who becomes a mentor figure to Denji. He is known for his strategic mind and his ability to come up with creative solutions to problems. Kishibe is a bit of a loner and keeps his emotions hidden, but he cares deeply about the people he works with.
